Archive for July, 2015

Topological Space and Time Machines

Thursday, July 30th, 2015
[caption id="attachment_392" align="alignnone" width="671"]Topological Space and Time Machines Topological Space and Time Machines[/caption]
These sculptures are inspired by topology (the study of shapes and space) and the sublime. I am also inspired by my friend and sometime collaborator, Alicia McCarthy (whom I gave 2 of these to collaborate on) as well as Richard Tuttle, Mark Di Suvero, Russian Constructivism and Futurism. They are all made from very special wood I have collected for many many years. Wood from redwood forests, pipe organs and even construction jobs. This material is quite important to me. I am interested in deforming, stretching and bending space manifolds. Can a machine be ambiant/zen? VIDEO VIDEO

Praying Hands In A Reliquary (with video inside), Mutual Gravitation Galaxia, Portable Prayer Wheel, Very Slow Moving Prayer Wheel With Photos

Thursday, July 30th, 2015
[caption id="attachment_387" align="alignnone" width="1024"]Praying Hands In A Reliquary (with video inside) , Mutual Gravitation Galaxia, Portable Prayer Wheel, Very Slow Moving Prayer Wheel With Photos Praying Hands In A Reliquary (with video inside) , Mutual Gravitation Galaxia, Portable Prayer Wheel, Very Slow Moving Prayer Wheel With Photos[/caption]
Four small Interactive Prayer Wheels/Intention Machines.

Intention Machines Exhibit

Thursday, July 30th, 2015
[caption id="attachment_380" align="alignnone" width="700"]Intention Machines Exhibit Intention Machines Exhibit[/caption]
An installation with 7 life-size robots, video, photographs, drawings and sensors. The robots react from sensory experience and input gathered from audience volunteers interacting with the robots. The robots do not use a computer brain. Bio-morphic sensors read human output signals, heartbeat, touch and breath. Each robot will respond uniquely to each audience members input signals. They will demonstrate to us a new way to instill consciousness. I am interested in the tension between spirituality, art and technology and the powerful possibilities of combining art and mysticism with the rigors of science and technology. VIDEO